Copyright      Wrentham Parish Council

Welcome to Wrentham





The Main Hall

10.30 am – Mid-day

Wrentham Band               

The Main Hall

6.00 pm - 7. 00 pm

Parish Council Meeting

The Main Hall



   Ballroom Dancing             

The Main Hall



3.00 pm - 5.00 pm


The Main Hall

7.00 pm - 9.00 pm  

Lady Birds:  (The 4th. Tuesday of each month)  email:

The Games Room

7.30pm - 9.00 pm



Exercise class :                      

(with Jane Sankin)

Every Wednesday 7.30 - 8.30pm:  low impact, mix of core work, leg toning, stretches, relaxation, great for body and mind

  Costs £5

  You need to bring a drink, suitable trainers and a mat/towel for floor work




The Main Hall

10.00 am - Mid-day 

  Singing for Fun                          




  Ballroom Dancing             

The Main Hall



  45's T dance:                                 Occasionally, for three hours in the afternoon. 

The Main Hall


Fridays and weekends

Currently open to bookings for weddings, parties etc.,


  THE LAST  SATURDAY  in the month (except December)

  Doors open 6.45pm

FILMS & Refreshments.  Tickets £5.00 at the door


A get together for local people to come to the village hall, to have a chat, a cup of tea or coffee with cakes and biscuits and to meet up with friends and make new friends.

For more information:

telephone 07787 091427

Crafts include crochet, knitting, quilting, cross stitch, sewing and model making. We have people who are willing to show you how to do these different crafts or already started items can be brought

For more information:

telephone 07787 091427

This year's subscription remains at £20 and £4 for any guests . Please don't forget to tell your friends and neighbours about Ladybirds, its always good to have more members.

Please put your subscription ,either cash or cheque ,made payable to Ladybirds, in a sealed envelope with your name, email address and telephone number written on the outside.